Strengthening & Supporting Families and Communities

In the early 1990s, CCI began offering counseling to families and youth. Since then, the family advocacy program has grown to include many types of counseling services— domestic violence, substance abuse, and personal— and court-ordered counseling and community service, and many high school prevention programs.

The family advocates work as team leaders for CCI’s many community activities— the various councils, youth leadership programs, and family services for this region and the state. They oversee the Family Resource Center and the Comstock YouthWorks youth education and employment program.

As members of the executive council, they provide input on the statewide Developmental Assets initiative, which builds upon the strengths of youth and communities to create a healthy Nevada. Last year, 150 families and 100 youth received counseling or family advocacy, including four anger management and conflict resolution groups held at local high schools.

In the most recent client satisfaction survey, a majority of families who participated in programs offered by the Family Advocates reported the following results: strengthened decision-making skills, enhanced parent-child communication, and increased ability to meet basic needs.

"My son is back on track, he can manage his anger and his responsibilities."
"I was better able to deal with my feelings and actions during a tough period of time."
"We are now better able toe communicate…spend more quality time together…solve
problems/issues together.

Community Health Nurse:
For the past four years, CCI has partnered with the Nevada State Health Division to offer a community health nurse to Storey and Lyon Counties. The nurse provides basic immunizations, well-baby check-ups, home visits to seniors, and community clinics. The nurse also visits families on the COW Bus one to two times a month. The community health nurse served over 700 people in 2001. Over 90 pre-K through high school youth were immunized in 2001.

Food Closet/Thrift Store:
We have operated a thrift store and food closet for the past five years. Together they serve over 100 families per month (some duplication). The thrift store revenues have grown 10% annually and the food closet offers bulk and fresh food to families in this region in conjunction with the Northern Nevada Food Bank. At least 20 volunteers a month assist with these two programs, which are integral to the lives of local citizens. Since 1997, we have provided food, clothing and emergency rent and utility assistance to over 2,500 people in Storey and Lyon Counties. In 2000, the barter system generated 2,000 hours of service and $3,600 in donations.

All of these programs— from counseling to the food closet, are available on a barter basis. This program enables people to utilize these services based upon their volunteer work. These volunteer hours are traded for services thus keeping the dignity of the volunteers intact, and contributing the talents of our local citizens to meet real community needs.
