What's New at Community Chest

Where to start? Since the beginning of the new year, there have been several exciting developments including:

A social justice project where a group of high school students spent four weeks learning how hunger and homelessness impacted their community. Through research, action, and dialogue the students developed a better understanding of how these issues effect them personally.

The Global Voices Project has been working diligently at raising the funds needed to travel to Ireland this summer for a three-week exchange with their hosts. Last year, the Northern Irish youth visited youth in Northern Nevada to dialogue, hang out, and find what they had in common. This year, the Northern Nevada youth plans to return the favor and continue the exchange of ideas.

Using the Visionaries video as a teaching tool, our executive director (Shaun) is working with interested organizations to intentionally address the issues of hunger and homelessness within their communities.

The COW Bus Program now has touch-screen computers for use by preschool students and their families in rurally isolated communities that are in the process of being installed. This will allow these students (and their families) the opportunity to familiarize themselves with technology before they enter formal schooling.

Community Chest was fortunate enough to be given a performance award by one of its funders for administrative excellence.

The thrift store has seen sales increase by more than 50% in the last couple of months due to the efforts of its dedicated staff. The best part is: volunteer efforts remain strong under the watchful eye of that same staff.
