Nevada Afterschool Network (NAN)

To support and facilitate opportunities for all school-age youth to participate in safe, quality, out-of-school time programs.

That every Nevada community supports all youth and families by providing access to safe, quality out-of-school time programs designed to promote positive youth development and life-long learning.

The Nevada Afterschool Network proposes a three-year project plan that address the current challenges Nevada’s school age youth and out-of-school time providers face, build on current strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness, and create new solutions to insure our vision.

Goal 1:
Create a sustainable structure that is focused on advocacy and policies that insure opportunities for out-of-school time program participation for all of Nevada’s school age youth.

Goal 2:
Support the development and growth of this sustainable structure through networking that will secure the resources needed to sustain new and existing school-based and school-linked afterschool programs.

Goal 3:
Support statewide systems to ensure that programs are of high quality.

Nevada’s Afterschool Network (NAN) Proposal to the C.S. Mott Foundation was submitted June 3, 2008. We are a brand new member of this Statewide Afterschool Network. Over the last 6 months NAN has participated in an intensive organization design process. As an outcome of this process we have partnered with Community Chest Incorporated (CCI) who will function as our interim administrative and fiduciary agency, as we move forward in applying for a 501(c)(3) status.

Nan’s has two specific strategies to achieve the goals, objectives, activities and results. First, NAN will seek to develop alliances with a diverse group of out-of-school time (OST) stakeholders by accessing core member networks and working collaboratively to build upon the strenths and assets of various member organizations and their allies in the business, philanthropic, governmental, and public service communities. Second, NAN will be very systematic in organizing, mobilizing and communicating with these allies and assets to work at the local, state, and national levels in advocating for increased funding and support for afterschool programs. NAN is committed to building on the strenths and expertise of existing OST stakeholder organizations and groups. NAN believes that a centralized, coordinating entity will create a synergy where resources and efforts can be leveraged to expand, enhance and extend the reach of existing OST programs.

The current governance structure developed by NAN’s steering committee members includes several standing committees that will be tasked to work in specific areas that NAN feels are essential to achieve our mission and create the results to which we are committteed over the next three years. In particular, four standing committees will play a significan role in building our network, forming partnerships with key decision-makers, educating the public and OST providers about quality school-based or school-linked afterschool programs, and increasing funding and support for these programs.

The committees are:
1) Finance.
2) Program Quality and Evaluation.
3) Marketing and Public Relations.
4) Public Policy.

We are excited to be just announcing our state-wide organization. We are requesting others to review the informational membership packet of NAN. One of the primary purposes of NAN is to raise awareness, help increase sustainability and promote the importance of quality out-of-school programs and professional development across the state of Nevada. We accomplish this through collaborative partnerships and efforts with our members. Membership in this organization will guarantee that you’ll be part of this growing youth development movement involving positive change in professional development for youth workers, out-of-school programming, and policies that insure every child and young person has the opportunity to participate in safe, supervised and educational afterschool programs. As more youth development professionals join our ranks, we will strengthen our statewide efforts to achieve the change we believe is essential for our field.

Developed informational packet including Member Key Stakeholders Agreement and Application Ceated NAN Organization Charts, Functional Descriptions and Bylaws for NAN. Identified key organizations and agencies as potential partners for membership. Develop and implement process for recruitment for Executive Director for NAN

For more information or to join the Nevada Afterschool Network (NAN)...
Contact: CCI-Nevada Afterschool Network, Attn: Deborah Loesch-Griffin
991 South C Street, P.O. Drawer 980
Virginia City, NV 89440

Fax 775-847-9335

Open Positions and Document Downloads:

Nevada Afterschool Network Information Packet
Nevada Afterschool Network Membership Application
Nevada Afterschool Network Organization Chart

What began as an idea - to create an organization that would be a catalyst for change and a center for resources to help people help themselves - has evolved into a broad team of people and volunteers, who together, build healthy families and communities.